“I’m just saying”
I’m interested in the origins of “I’m just saying” used postpositively. (Also its variant: “I’m not saying, I’m just saying.”) An example: “Have you ever noticed how many people end statements with qualifiers? I’m just saying.” It seems to be an update of “With all due respect,” or perhaps something I’m not thinking of. Is it an East Coast expression? I’m from California and have never heard it in speech, but have noticed it frequently in blog titles and posts.
funny buy good definitions...
ccpcmusic Nov-30-2010
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I see it first used in a family guy episode, 1999. I don't see earlier usages (after a quick poke around google results from 1990-2000.
rory.mcnaughton Jan-05-2011
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(Flashback to Peter in Willy Wonka's factory)
Wonka: I'll ask you one more time, are you sure you didn't eat anything in my factory?
Peter: (appears as a giant blueberry) No.
Wonka: I'm just asking.
Peter: Are you calling me a liar?
Wonka: No, I'm just saying -
Peter: Hey, shut up Wonka! [edit]
rory.mcnaughton Jan-05-2011
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I hoped someone would know the origin of this phrase. I'm just sayin.
Lynn2 Feb-17-2011
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If you say something that may be hurtful to someone, or it just may not be well received, you might end with the expression just sayin' which might be short for "just sayin' something that needed to be said."
BobR Mar-28-2011
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Wherever it originated, I wish it would go back there, and take along "What Everrr" and the rest of the nails on blackboard, jersey shore, punctuations! I'm NOT just sayinn!
Cosmac Apr-01-2011
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I've heard the phrase used postpositvely in a humorous context, teasingly and usually with friends, as WB and others have pointed out. When used in this context it can be amusing, but if overused or mean-spirited it just becomes annoying.
vwmoll Apr-03-2011
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Best definition at Urban Dictionary is "A phrase that is used when someone is offended by something you said. This phrase then removes all the offensiveness of the previous statement, making it all good.
Charles3 Jul-07-2011
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They use it twice here :)
Gem Jan-11-2012
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I think "just saying" means,"I'm stating my opinion and I will not defend it or engage with criticism of it: just saying, not discussing, debating, analysing or anything else. My mind is made up, I'm telling you what I think, and that's that."
It seems to be a very American phenomenon. I wonder if it is connected with American attitudes towards free speech? Freedom of speech is an important part of the American psyche. By "just saying" something, do we imply that any criticism of our opinion is actually a criticism of the fact that we "just said" something? Does not every American read the phrase "just sayin'" and think "Well, of course they have every right"?
Just exercisin' constitutional rights.
Hal Mar-31-2012
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people that say im just saying dont realize that just saying your words you already dissed somebody without thinkin bout what you just said.there is a process without using thought and logic because it's america and many ppl just open their mouth without realizing the concenses of their words.for example if a man said to a woman he dont even know yo you got a fat ass and the woman says what? the man would reply stupidly im just saying you got a fat ass without even getting to know that person he insulted.so yes it can be insulting because in society you cant cure stupitdy.but he used a poor choice of words when looking at the lady.im just saying he said to the lady is telling her she knows she has a big rear but he annouced it to the world without thought and felt like saying it because the world is covered with 90 percent idiots who say the dumbest things without thinking .plus it showed his lack of class and judgement.with the american education system down the toilet and we're near dead last we better step our game up.otherwise saying im just saying after a insult gonna lead to more funerals.point made.no im just saying because people dont get to the point after they say it.end.
eric smith May-16-2012
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I think the remark is the same as saying " I don't have room to talk but ...... -I'm just saying" . Also it is a way of initiating insult without Accountability .
Windmill Aug-31-2012
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This is an expression used to pad out the otherwise empty expression of a vacuous thought. It reminds me of a brilliant exchange on BBC television a few days ago. Someone had been invited onto a news programme as a person who might know a thing or two about the subject under discussion.
TV man: "What do you have to say about all this (already being discussed subject)?
Guest (slowly gathering thoughts together): "Well, do you want to know what I think?"
TV man: "Well, that's what you're here for, isn't it?"
"Can I just say? - do you want to know what I think?"
As a teacher for me a treasured moment was 20 years ago when one rather pedantic pupil said one of these cliches, and another more sparky one leapt in with "No! You can't!"
Sorry I can't do the acute accent on cliches. Don't know what tits to press.
Brus Dec-10-2012
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@Skeeter Lewis - is that perhaps a polite expression for spam? :) I had thought of reporting it, but decided not to.
Warsaw Will Mar-22-2014
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I absolute despise the phrase "Just Saying" to me it is you letting me know what you've just said by saying "Just Saying" in which I already know because you just said it... The phrase to me shows lack of intelligence... LOL!!!
Angie71 Mar-17-2016
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"I'm just saying" is used to wonderful effect in the play Rabbit Hole which tells the story of ordinary people in the midst of life changes and tragedies. I saw an excellent production back in the fall and obviously the clause and its useage in the play have lingered. I've enjoyed reading about this clause. Thanks to everyone!
Smitty_ Mar-17-2009
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This saying is widely used in the state of Michigan and seems to be
getting more popular with the rest of the world! The saying is the
equivalent of the old New York saying- "forget about it!" It was
first originally invented and used by the underground comic
sensation BILLY KLEIN of BURT, MICHIGAN, USA. He loves others to
use it in their everyday conversations, but definitely wants
everyone to know it was him that started saying it and using it
in his shows!!
billfromburtt May-28-2010
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I am from Northern Maine (Aroostook County) and that is a favorite statement here. I am think here it has four meanings. 1. The statement is in my opinion. 2. My opinion is all that matters . 3. Pointing things out that are mostly obvious to another person. 4. "getting the last/final word in" comes to mind as well.
n1px Jun-13-2010
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Thank you Jo! :)
jan2 Jul-14-2010
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strike the "was" LOL :)
jan2 Jul-14-2010
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The Urban Dictionary website says:
"All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you."
Which is to say: not by "definition experts."
douglas.bryant Jul-14-2010
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And Aravinda, you have every right to feel that way. It has nothing to do with the original topic, but you still have the right say it. Let it go, you will feel much better.
jan2 Jul-15-2010
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As one who is "not here to argue," Jan, you argue quite a lot. Your "viable definition" to “just saying” is simply a crib from a mob-based website, where "best and most correct" is defined by random opinion, not knowledge. Trust me, Porsche has read and understood your original post:
"I needed to know what some people were talking about when they used this phrase (as each had a different definition of what the phrase means to them), so I looked it up in the urban dictionary.
Urban Dictionary: just saying?Just saying: a phrase used to indicate that we refuse to defend a claim we’ve made—in other words, that we refuse to offer reasons that what we’ve said is true."
Here are some current definitions for "just saying," taken from today's Urban Dictionary:
"A phrase that is used when someone is offended by something you said. This phrase then removes all the offensiveness of the previous statement, making it all good."
"Response when your motive for saying something is questioned and you a) had no motive or b) do not want to reveal your motive."
"Response when one has been proven wrong but is not humble enough to admit being incorrect or cannot settle with the other person's statement."
Rather a wide field of opinion. Hardly definitive.
This here site tends to be argumentative. People hereabouts "offer reasons that what we’ve said is true." Have you an opinion of your own?—I'm just saying.
douglas.bryant Jul-16-2010
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Ha Ha Ha, That is all, Douglas, That is all. Have a great day!
jan2 Jul-16-2010
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For fuck sake!
I'm just saying
06w125 Jul-17-2010
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Looking back at the original question about "I'm just saying", it was about the origin, not the meanings. Douglas seems to have a handle on the possible meanings, but not on the origin. Several people have explained what they and their friends mean, but not the origin. I envision some Brooklyn punk (or perhaps it was Ben in New England) making an offensive statement and pissing off some tough guy, who says, "Oh yea? I ought to kick your ass." To which the punk (or Ben) says "I'm just say'n", as he backs off while holding up both hands. It diffuses the situation and he learns to use it at the end of any insult he makes. It may have evolved from the statement, "I'm just asking." That also comes from some punk who ask girls if they will go to bed with them and when they get insulted, he tries to laugh it off with, "I'm just asking."
I don't know the origin either, I'm just say'n.
lloydedwards Jul-20-2010
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I hope this clears it up.
Did anyone even read what was asked for in the original question? You all are idiots, Im just sayin, ya know?
John4 Aug-10-2010
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I use it synonymously with "I'm just throwing it out there." In other words, after saying something that might be considered offensive or controversial, yet also reasonable/logical/understandable, tacking on "I'm just sayin'/I'm just throwing it out there" distances the statement from me personally, so that the topic itself can more easily be discussed for whatever merit there may be in the suggestion.
This intends to a) allow someone to contend the argument without fear of hurting my feelings, since I've already offered the distance; and b) allows me to have even made the statement without fear of reprisal because, hey, it's not how I might actually see it, it's just an idea for your consideration.
Reminds me of Chris Rock summarizing OJ's position with "now, I'm not saying he did it...BUT I UNDERSTAND."
As an example, the continuing tensions between N. Korea and S. Korea prompts me to compare N. Korean Twitter huffing and puffing to that of a schoolyard bully, and you didn't get a schoolyard bully to pipe down by continuing to hand over your lunch money....I'm just sayin'.
nontechietalk Aug-20-2010
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And yes, I know the OP was looking for the origin.
The earliest reference I saw among the responses was to an Eddie Murphy standup routine, which goes back to the early 80s.
My comment was just adding some colour to the use discussion since I hadn't seen anyone mention "I'm just throwing it out there", which is also a not-uncommon phrase.
nontechietalk Aug-20-2010
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Caroline - I agree. "Just saying" seems to be the new "no offence", as in "no offence but (insert insult here)".
tasman Oct-17-2010
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I picked up this phrase from the character Paul Reiser played in Mad About You. He said it all the time.
cdeluca Feb-18-2011
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I Like it. I'm just sayin
Susie1 May-17-2011
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Wow! All this from a question posted in October 2006. just sayin. I intend to buy tee shirts, coffee mugs, and maybe a rubber wrist band. If they don't exist I may start a company to make them.
Alan2 May-29-2011
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just say it.
sony Jul-02-2011
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These are examples of how I've heard it being used, but more often than not it seems that folks are dropping the "I'm" part and ending the sentence with "just saying".
Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die...I'm just saying.
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe...just saying.
Del Aug-04-2011
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Well I'm from Estonia and even we use it. It's more like you say smth almost rude in Estonian and add "just saying" to the end. For example "Your hair is a lot prettier when it's washed....juuuuuust sayin' "
"Just sayin' " is the new "No offence"
k1 Nov-02-2011
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I completely agree with Cali girl (her comment posted December 11th 2006). It's the same in my region of California (in the mountains and hills East of Sacramento), or at least very similar. Here the statement just means: "It's a statement. Please don't look into it too far and please don't be offended." = I'm just saying.
I've only heard this phrase with this particular definition placed at the end of the sentence, whole topic, or end of the entire post.
Largely it just means please don't be offended and isn't meant to be placed at the end of insults and racial comments, just as an opinion or statement backer to prevent insults.
Inuyasha2408 May-19-2012
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EDIT: Here it's like 'no offence' but, with less offense... and I've also heard it as, and said it as (sorry) "just saying". I've never heard it over used here, though. "Like" is the word over used here and it is entirely annoying. I've read some of the comments and I guess the "I'm just saying" phrase in my area is different than others, as it isn't used with insults.
Inuyasha2408 May-19-2012
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simple -
"IJS"=Unless it hasn't already hasn't been observed, I AM a terribly illiterate psychopath, with nothing better to do than attempt to make a comment on a matter, of which, I obviously know nothing about! Essentially, this is an attempt to avert PC disqualification, while at the same time, offering the heart-felt, yet iniquitous, extension of my real 'feelings'.
Please extend me the honor of pretention. Pretention that encompasses the assertion, that perhaps, aforementioned comment never occurred. Unless however, under the most egregious circumstances, one has agreed with aforementioned comment; in which case, aforementioned comment DID cross these non-confrontational (yet, unfortunately opinionated) lips!
ie "...If I was 2½ , I would say..."
peteloaf May-23-2012
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Logging in to report a sighting of "I'm just saying."
Today Pres. Obama, in a speech on Immigration issues, mentioned that Mitt Romney promised to veto the Dream Act. He then added, "I think that we should take him at his word. I'm just saying."
paravinda Jun-22-2012
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I am 68 raised in iowa -as a youth I would hear it used as a prefi.xAs in two people arguing about house color One guy says white ,another says off white , the ownner says "Im just saying " get it done .. Adding a bit of authority to the statement . Using IM just saying ,after a sentence I frequently hear on TV , but very seldom on the street.
arnie Sep-20-2012
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Just Urban Dictionary it. It covers all the ways to define the phrase. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=i%27m%20just%20sayin%27
Danna Sep-24-2012
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At the two ends of the spectrum "just sayin" has become so ubiquitous use I often use it in private with my partner when we want to have a great laugh, and then I use it sparingly when I have made a public comment that is obvious but offensive to someone and want to distance myself from what I just said because I must interact with that person on a daily basis and I don't want them to hold it against me forever.
sheldo Sep-25-2012
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Wow, lots said about this! I get irritated when I hear "I'm just sayin'" spoken. It is used as an excuse to say something that the speaker does not take ownership of. If you're sayin' it, you're sayin'" it. Own it!
Gra Oct-04-2012
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I found this thread while searching for the origin of this over used expression. I just heard it on Downton Abbey (set during WWI). Did people use this expression then? Seems like a gaff in the writing.
hatar Nov-07-2012
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Good point 'hatar' makes .. Literature is written by people who reflect their own culture, even while trying to convey a culture from another time and place. Shakespeare did no differently. Antony speaks of Brutus, who has just helped assassinate Julius Caesar:
"Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is an honourable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know."
[Julius Caesar, SCENE II. The Forum.]
(This may be the equivalent of ".. just sayin' .. "
Once something is said, even when it has been "stricken from the record," remains in the ears and memory of the listeners. It may still have consequences...).
After hearing Antony speak, the audience responds:
First Citizen
"Methinks there is much reason in his sayings."
The writer knows that whatever is said has consequences, and the speaker had better know as well...
jacklope Nov-09-2012
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The first time I heard the phrase "I'm just sayin'" used postpositively was about six months ago. A friend, much more aware than I of new slang and hip expressions, was advising me to take an action I did not agree I should take. Her use of the phrase appeared a lame, last ditch effort to convince me of something she knew I could never be convinced of. But I'm not really sure about it... I'm just sayin'.
jf Dec-08-2012
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@jf - Don't most of us have times when we are not really sure of something and want to qualify it a little, without being judged a being "lame"? It's just a suggestion.
Warsaw Will Dec-09-2012
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@Brus - on my keyboard (US) - apostrophe and then the letter - é, for grave ` then the letter - è, circumflex - ^ and then the letter - ê. I can't remember cedilla, unfortunately.
But back to your opening sentence - "This is an expression used to pad out the otherwise empty expression of a vacuous thought" - would you say the same for "It's just a suggestion", which for me has just about the same meaning. Don't you ever want to qualify something you've just said, or are you (and a lot of others on this thread) always so certain about things? Lucky you if you are! (actually I'm not so sure about that).
The other thing that strikes me is this a lot of stick is being thrown at what is, after all, a pretty harmless informal expression. Are we really meant to go around the whole time uttering perfectly crafted masterpieces of prose?
I have to say, I find words like lame and vacuous pretty judgmental. Why are so many of the comments here about finding fault with others' use of English? If you don't like it, don't use it, it's as simple as that.
Warsaw Will Dec-11-2012
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Thanks for those typing tips, W.Will. My keyboard, sadly, does not feature these things.
Now, you say I am judgmental, which I take as a complement, as it means having the ability to make discerning judgments, and to be making them. That is what my dictionary says. I got the vibe in my latter years as a teacher that someone was teaching the pupils in their "PSE" lessons, whatever they were, that it was a bad thing. I suspected them of suffering from the delusion that political correctness is not a joke, and filling the children's minds with nonsense, and that it was something to do with that. I never actually looked the word up until now, and am pleased to be vindicated. What on earth is supposed to be wrong with making judgments? That is what this whole Pain in the English thing is about, surely?
"It's me/you who is wrong". It's (me/you who is )wrong. ...me who am ... ... you who are ... Subordinate relative clause misidentified, badly. "It's I (who am wrong), It's you (who are wrong), It's he (who is wrong).
Is it so hard to get English grammar right if you have been taught it? The tragedy is that it has not been taught in the UK for a generation, because the teachers got it in their heads that somehow it is elitist to teach the pupils anything. Something to do with being lefties, they say. Not really the teachers but those who teach the teachers and tell them what to do but not why.
I'm off on holiday now for a few months so nothing more from me for a long while, mercifully.
Brus Dec-11-2012
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English is not my first language, so please humor me on a very perplexing question: Is there a word in English that describes the activity going on when one asserts or suggests that another is judgmental?
jf Dec-11-2012
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@Brus - Yes, that is one definition of judgemental, but I think you know perfectly well I meant the other - "having or displaying an overly critical point of view:" or "judging people and criticizing them too quickly". And no, I don't think the point of Pain in the English is to constantly criticise other people's use of English. There are so many other much more interesting aspects of language to discuss.
For example, when I write judgemental my (US) spellcheck red lines it, but when I look up judgmental in a British dictionary it takes me to judgemental. I never realised there was a spelling difference there.
I don't quite share your view of history, I'm afraid. As I remember it, teaching grammar wasn't stopped because it was elitist, but because traditional grammar teaching was stultifying creativity. Unfortunately, yes, they threw the baby out with the bathwater, but that has been remedied to a certain extent since.
And finally, I think I'll stay with Swan as my guide - "It's me/you who is wrong" is absolutely fine in informal English, which is what most of us speak most of the time.
Have a good holiday.
Warsaw Will Dec-12-2012
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arnie Dec-12-2012
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Alia's wholly surreal contribution to the discussion includes a relative clause introduced by 'that': THE GREAT MAN THAT WAS ABLE TO BRING BACK MY LOVER ... We should have "the great man who was able ..." just as we have "CONTACT THIS GREAT MAN WHOSE NAME ,,," rather than "this great man that's name ...". Perhaps less importance is attached to such niceties across the Atlantic in places such as the USA, or Haiti. I'm just saying.
Brus Aug-21-2013
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@Brus - ah, it's sparring time again. I'm afraid it's a shibboleth that 'that' can't be used for people in defining (restrictive) relative clauses. What's more, it's the writers of certain American style guides and grammar books that are in the forefront of those criticising this practice, so I think you're a bit wide of the mark there, too. Apart from the MWDEU, all the following sources are British.
'The people (that) I spoke to were very helpful.' - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
'We haven't met the people that live next door.' - Macmillan Dictionary
'Who was it that said "The Law's an Ass"?' - Longman Dictionary
In the Third Edition of Fowler's, Burchfield says 'Down through the centuries, "that" has been used with a human antecedent'' and the OED quotes it being used by Chaucer and in Wycliffe's bible. MWDEU says that ' "that" has applied to persons since its 18th-century revival just as it did before its 17th-century eclipse.
Well known British grammar writer for foreign learners, Raymond Murphy, in English Grammar in Use, writes - 'You can also use that (instead of who) - "The man that lives next door is very friendly" '.
And another respected British grammar writer, Micheal Swan, - 'Who refers to people and which to things; that can refer to both people and things - "The people that live next door keep having all-night parties." '
And I'm afraid the point about 'whose' is a red herring, as whose can be used for things as well as people, and there is no such possessive as that's, even for things. '(whose is) used to give more information about a person or thing' (OALD) - 'I was at a meeting whose purpose I didn't understand' (Swan) - it's either that or 'of which' -- 'I was at a meeting, the purpose of which I didn't understand'. There ain't no such animal as possessive 'that's'.
So, grammatically at least, alia has nothing to worry about.
Warsaw Will Aug-21-2013
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Yes, Will.
All that you say about ‘whose’ and ‘that’s’ is wholly in accord with what I said in my piece, where I cited Alia’s “man whose” with approval by way of comparing it with the sloppy “man that” and suggesting that “man who” is much to be preferred. You just didn’t read my stuff the way I wrote it. I too taught my pupils that ‘whose’ is for people and things...
You are right, too, that Alia need not consider possible grammatical solecisms in her unusual contribution to be important, in the wider scheme of things.
The literary authorities to whom you refer never set out to demonstrate sound grammatical English; that was not their purpose at all.
The reference works which you cite seem to be those to be found in the libraries of students of English as another language, and are therefore descriptive of current usage rather than prescriptive about correct usage, as used by purists. My dictionary (Collins) suggests ‘that’ as a relative pronoun in a context such as “the book that is on the table” to distinguish it from another book somewhere else, (restrictive) but “the book which is on the table” to explain it isn’t somewhere else. My dictionary also refers to levels of formality of speech: the more formal, the more the need to use the correct term. That's a bit obvious, really! When teaching others English it won't do to present colloquial language as good enough for formal use, obviously too.
I don’t like ‘that’ in this context at all, as it is sloppy, and would use commas:
The book, which is on the table, ... (explains that that is where it is)
The book which is on the table ... (explains it isn’t some other book you mean).
I taught my pupils about formality and how to avoid ‘that’ in written work. It depends on the level of formality, and written work is formal in my book. Just saying.
Brus Aug-21-2013
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@Brus - of course we teach our students about formality, but most of us use formal language very rarely. Actually with my students, who were originally taught fairly formally, it's getting them to reduce their levels of formality, not the other way round, that is the problem. In any case we don't teach our students to say 'the man that is standing over there', but we do warn them that native speakers will sometimes use 'that' for people, especially after impersonal pronouns like 'anybody' etc, and that it is perfectly correct.
You won't be surprised to learn that I have no time for the argument that the only correct rules are those of formal English. As the editor of the Cambridge Grammar of the English Grammar has said - 'informal is normal'. Why should 'Whom do you know here?' be considered more correct than "Who do you know here?", when hardly anyone would use the first, and if they did they would get funny looks. Yes, I have a duty to teach my students about formal language, but I have just as strong a duty to teach them language that is in normal currency.
I don't know where you get the idea that dictionaries that are published for learners are any different from other dictionaries. Nearly all dictionaries, and especially the OED, are descriptive; that is their job. In fact most learner's dictionaries give much more usage information, including on formality, than standard dictionaries. In any case the likes of Longman and Macmillans no longer market themselves as learner's dictionaries, but have a much wider audience, especially on the web.
In fact, with the Bank of English and their Cobuild project, Collins Dictionary was one of the pioneers of using real life examples rather than those made up their lexicographers. And they are at the forefront again in a new, separate online dictionary, which invites contributions fro the general public, although retaining overall editorial control. And if you'd looked a bit more carefully at Collins, at least the online version, it says - 'that, pronoun - used to introduce a restrictive relative clause ⇒ "the book that we want" '- nothing about being only for things, and further down, among the example sentences is this -"I looked at myself in the mirror and felt reassured by the healthy young man that stared back at me."
Your last two example are interesting:
"The book, which is on the table, ... (explains that that is where it is)
The book which is on the table ... (explains it isn’t some other book you mean)."
While the former is the former is a non-defining (or non-restrictive), which gives us extra information, the latter is a defining or restrictive relative clause which, as you say, tells us which book we're talking about. Now there are many 'purists' (who of course I don't agree with) who insist that we should only use 'that' and not 'which' in defining relative clauses when talking about things, a whim of Fowler's that got taken up by many American publishers, but not only in the US. So your example would be just as wrong in their eyes as alia apparently is in yours.
"Written work is formal in my book" - how much writing is formal these days, really? Academic essays maybe, most business correspondence probably not. And as for comments on this forum, no way! Not even your contributions here follow the conventions of formal language (for example use of contractions). So I think it was a little bit high-handed to pull alia up for using language that was perfectly appropriate in the context. Just saying.
Warsaw Will Aug-22-2013
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Sorry, went a bid mad on typos there.
Warsaw Will Aug-22-2013
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Will, thanks for all that. It is most informative and helpful. I got my dictionary in 1978, I think, and it is well-thumbed after all those years teaching Latin. My original reason, inter alia, (sorry!) for remarking upon Alia's remarkable piece, was: how could one not? (Especially with mercy33's extraordinary, mystical follow-on.) It shouted out for comment, surely, and it was relative clauses and their governing pronouns which sprang to mind at the time, as they do in these circumstances.
(Sprang? Sprung?)
Brus Aug-22-2013
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@Brus - well, we can certainly agree on the strange nature of both contributions, and as it looks as though peace has broken out between us, have a good weekend. :) Incidentally, I hardly ever look at a physical dictionary nowadays. I wrote a little gadget for my blog which allows me to cycle through about a dozen dictionaries in seconds.
Warsaw Will Aug-22-2013
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I was just curious about the origins of this phrase, and found this thread -- started in 2006!
Read all the comments and didn't once come upon a definitive oxford-engl style answer of the phrase's first usage, where it came from, or who said it, yet everybody's still sayin' it. Sorry to all the folks out there who don't like English colloquialism's, but this one looks like it's going to be around like rap music. Just sayin'.
Nelson Aug-30-2013
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@Nelson - perhaps not authoritative but this might interest you, and seems to agree with what others have said on this thread:
'The origin of “I’m just sayin’” is not clear, but most paths trace it back to Yiddish humor. “I’m just saying” was the way some Jewish vaudevillians ended a joke. The phrase was popularized by two comedians in the 1980s: Paul Reiser and Eddie Murphy.'
Warsaw Will Aug-30-2013
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That was helpful.
I still find it funny that people think they can determine what phrases will stand the test of time, or infer that using a popular phrase somehow reflects on one's intelligence. You've still got slang and colloquialisms from the 19th century still being used today.
If the phrase 'just sayin'" originated with vaudeville, then it's basically made a resurgence and has already proven that it's got legs as vaudeville's heydays were the turn of the century to around the 1930's.
Nelson Aug-30-2013
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I guess the assertion "I'm just saying" is a bit like the preface "I'm not being rude, but ..." and then saying something rude. Quite daft, really. It is a conversational habit in my neck of the woods. A bit like the current mania for people to say "if I'm honest", or "I have to be honest" or "I'll be honest with you". You want to call back "No! Lie, like you always do!, go on, treat yourself!" when you this daft verbal litter spattering the conversation.
Brus Sep-27-2013
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Origin is New York Jewish, can't tell you when it was born though, but my guess would be before you were. I'm guilty of the phrase, although I'm not Jewish, only by marriage and not even from NY. but I like it because to me it is saying that I'm stating MHO eluding arguement, but if you prefer then take it to a higher court.
CS1005 Oct-03-2013
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Great point. I don't know what a MHO eluding argument is, but I get the drift. Your last bit suggests you should then finish with "just saying"!
Brus Oct-03-2013
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Ok, let me paraphrase a little on that. I like to use the phrase (Just Saying) because I think it is like saying: "I'm stating My Humble Opinion eluding (evading) arguement" Or in other words "I said it, but it's just an opinion not an arguement"
CS1005 Oct-04-2013
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Many comedians, movies, authors & famous people have used this expression. However, the usage of "just sayin" as a way to absolve one's self of blame or to mitigate responsibility for any insult, was made enormously popular by the television talk show host..... Conan O'Brian. I fargin despise people who use it and/or think it's funny.
My deep hatred focuses not so much on the phrase itself, rather more about how lame, unfunny and effeminately milk-toast vanilla modern-day comedians have become. I guarantee if I heard the late, great George Carlin use it in his act.... I'd think it was hysterical. I highly doubt he would, though. Unless he was making fun of those who do.
Pee Wee Feb-05-2014
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@Pee Wee - well you obviously despise me then, as I used it yesterday, but not to absolve myself of guilt, rather to soften a criticism of something the person I was writing to had said. As for thinking it was funny, that had never occurred to me (but then I don't live in the States).
I would suggest that if you're going to go around despising people for using language you don't approve of, that says rather more about you than them.
Warsaw Will Feb-05-2014
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Well, I think it's funny. I associate it with slow-speaking women customers of a certain age in Dorset and Devonian pubs making snide comments to their menfolk (whom they seem to wish wouldn't make them come to these places) about the cleanliness of the facilities, but asserting by way of a coda that they are just sayin'. As it is clear that they are just sayin', there is no need really to explain so, is there? That's a bit of what I find funny. But after a few pints of the marvellous real ales to be had in South-West England almost anything seems funny. Cheers! Just sayin'.
Brus Mar-10-2014
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Skeeter Lewis Mar-22-2014
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Its an instigators tool to shaken up the social statues qou among peers, all while trying to excusing himself from any and all responsibility of its possible negative outcome... at least thats what I use it for. :) ;)
Instigator Jan-17-2021
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I have long wondered about the gratuitous use of “well,” as in “She had complications after her surgery, and they were ‘well,’ complicated.” What part of speech is “well” here?
Xofer Mar-07-2021
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People use it all the time to pass off responsibility for their words onto the recipient. It's a way of pretending like one can automatically absolve themself from the consequences of their words and negate any sort of response. If you got upset by something that someone was "just sayin", the implication is that it is your fault for getting upset by it because hey, they were just sayin.
user110693 Mar-22-2021
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