Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

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Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

Your Pain Is Our Pleasure

24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More

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This is a forum to discuss the gray areas of the English language for which you would not find answers easily in dictionaries or other reference books.

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I have an issue with the use of the past perfect tense with “until” (and sometimes “before”). Can you please tell me which of these sentences is correct and why?

She hadn’t realized that she was addicted to nicotine until she smoked ten cigarettes a day. (i.e.: Before she smoked that many cigarettes, she didn’t have that knowledge about herself - not realizing/knowing was earlier.) 


She didn’t realize that she was addicted to nicotine until she had smoked ten cigarettes a day. (i.e.: First she smoked that many cigarettes, and then she realized.)

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I was taught that one should never use double negatives. But I was also taught that if you do, it can have the opposite meaning.

Example: The box does not contain nothing.

means: The box contains something.

So I heard the President’s speech. Note that he was not the first person to say it because I have also heard several newsmen use a similar expression. When I heard it, it sounded wrong.  But I could NOT put my finger on why it sounded wrong. Then suddenly it occurred to me, a double negative!

So here is what I heard...

“Putin badly miscalculated.” or

“He badly miscalculated.”

Since bad is the negative of good and the prefix “mis” makes calculated negative, isn’t this a double negative? I know what they mean. Shouldn’t this sentence be written like so?

“He severely miscalculated.”

Since severe is neither negative nor positive. It just indicates the degree of something.

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I was reading an old novel, British English written around 1850. I came across the phrase “I saw signs of elephant in the forest”. This intrigued me as the word "elephant" implies anything from a single to multiple animals. The word "signs" seems to have taken on the role of plurality for the noun. I was asked a similar question by my partner who is editing a book in which the phrase “I saw fairy dancing in the woods,” not meaning a single fairy but many fairies dancing. Can anyone expand my knowledge on the use of a singular noun being used as a non-collective plural noun?


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I am a bit confused about whether or not I should use “the” before “most” in the following sentence. I have searched on the internet but I have before more confused about the issue so please help me in this regard. I will add this sentence to my formal writing.

The sentence:

"What fascinates me the most about the textile industry is that it drives the economy of many third world countries”


"What fascinates me most about the textile industry is that it drives the economy of many third world countries”

Which one is correct and why?

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Hi everybody! Few days ago my mate attended to a job competition for a job in the technical office of Rome. Among the many legal questions there were also some English questions. The one I am asking your help for is:

“Let ……. come in.”

the possible answers proposed are:

- his

- him

- he

I am sure that all of you are thinking that the only right option to chose is “him”, that’s it.

Initially it was confirmed “his” with correct answer and after few days was corrected with “him”.

The english questions/phrases put in these competitions are generally extracted form bigger pieces, books.. and my partner didn’t answer because he says that in a certain contests it can be also right “Let his come in”, for example:

Michele is waiting for the vet to visit his cat. When the vet wants to visit Michele’s cat can say to his secretary:

<< Let his come in >> instead of << Let his cat come in>>.

What do you think? Is it possible consider both the options “his” and “him” correct?
Have you read some examples in books or articles in which you have found the phrase “Let his come in” ?

It can help my partner to obtain the job because he got a score of 20.8 and he had to get 21 to obtain the job! So it is very important the help of all of you.

Thanks !!!!!!!!!

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Sells or Sold? 

Does ‘sells’ in the sentence,”I find a pet store that sells ferrets.” stay as ‘sells’ or change to ‘sold’ if you are changing the sentence to Simple Past Tense? 

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so - Wiktionary gives these quotations:

“I can count backwards from one hundred.” “So can I.”

‘There’re another two.’ ‘So there are.’

Why is the first one inverted and the second one not? I read it somewhere that it is because the answer of the second quotation confirms the first sentence (aforementioned stuff), so it is not allowed to invert. First, I can’t find another source that corraborates this reasoning. Second, why is it not allowed to invert? There must be a specific reason for this subject–auxiliary inversion.

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Consider the sentence, “I will go home.” Is “home” a direct object, or is it part of an adverbial phrase, “to home,” with “to” elided? Since one cannot properly say, “I will go the beach,” my conclusion is that eliding “to” from “to home” is idiomatic.  


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A Facebook reader complained that another commenter was incorrect to use the term “My Walmart” while speaking about the Walmart in closest proximity to her home. I use “my” like this all the time. Are we both incorrect to use the word “my” in this way, because we do not own the walmart as he points out, or is he just being a grammar prude?

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I know “I’m having trouble logging in to my account.” is correct. But is “I’m having trouble to log in” correct?

Are there some rules in using "trouble to"? I could not find sentences using “I’m having trouble to...” but I have found “not trouble to do something” like:

Nina need not trouble to come down, everything had been arranged.

Do not trouble to don your hat and gloves, Nina.

My friends never troubled to ask me what I would like.

Nina didn’t trouble to hide his disgust.

Please help me.

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You're saying that Asian people speaking English sometimes have a tough time being understood by native English speakers. It's not just about their accents or how they pronounce words. It's more about the differences in culture. For instance, Europeans might find it easier to communicate because they share similar cultures with Americans. But Asian cultures can be quite different, which makes it harder for them to give enough information when they talk. This can lead to misunderstandings, even if they speak perfectly. So, it's important to bridge these cultural gaps to understand each other better.

“Let his/him come in.”

  • Guo
  • April 23, 2024, 9:26am

In this context, "Let him come in" is the correct option. The use of "him" as the object pronoun is appropriate when referring to a person being allowed to enter. "Let his come in" would not be grammatically correct in standard English usage. Therefore, "him" is the most suitable choice for the completion of the sentence.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different nuances.

The first sentence, "What fascinates me the most about the textile industry is that it drives the economy of many third world countries," uses "the most," which emphasizes a specific aspect or element that is of greatest interest to the speaker. In this case, it suggests that among all the fascinating aspects of the textile industry, the economy-driving aspect is the most captivating to the speaker.

The second sentence, "What fascinates me most about the textile industry is that it drives the economy of many third world countries," omits "the" before "most." This version suggests a more general fascination with the textile industry overall, without specifically highlighting one particular aspect as the most fascinating.

Both versions are acceptable depending on the intended emphasis or tone of your writing. If you want to emphasize a specific aspect as the most fascinating, use "the most." If you want to convey a more general fascination without specific emphasis, use "most" without "the."

In this case, using a comma is appropriate. A colon typically introduces a list or emphasizes a point, but in your sentence, the phrase "Bill and Ben" is simply providing additional information about your sons. Therefore, a comma is more suitable for this context.
Academic environments uphold principles of academic integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct, emphasizing the importance of citing sources on , avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining academic honesty in all scholarly endeavors.

Past perfect with until

  • Guo
  • April 23, 2024, 9:20am

The correct sentence is: "She didn’t realize that she was addicted to nicotine until she had smoked ten cigarettes a day."

This is because the past perfect tense ("had smoked") is used to indicate an action that occurred before another past action or point in time ("realized"). In this case, smoking ten cigarettes a day happened before she realized she was addicted to nicotine. For more info read comments on Academic institutions promote research and scholarly inquiry across various fields, encouraging faculty and students to contribute to the advancement of knowledge through original research, publications, and creative works.

Abbreviations and superscript items should be treated consistently in full capital case, maintaining their original formatting for clarity and accuracy.
Yes, both the superscripted letter and the abbreviation should be treated consistently in full capital case. So, for example, it would be: JANE McDONALD / WILLIAM DOE, JR.

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