How to use floccinaucinihilipilification
I recently stumbled across the word “floccinaucinihilipilification” and have been struggling to find ways of using it in polite conversation.
Any suggestions?
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I recently stumbled across the word “floccinaucinihilipilification” and have been struggling to find ways of using it in polite conversation.
Any suggestions?
You did fine just now.
dave Mar-07-2012
7 votes Permalink Report Abuse
I have a floccinaucinihilipilification of the use of "floccinaucinihilipilification" in conversation.
njtt Mar-07-2012
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It would be impolite to verbalize that word, because it is difficult to say without spraying spittle on nearby listeners--both while actually saying it, and then immediately afterward when you are snorting trying not to laugh.
BJONES Apr-20-2012
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I don't think I'd ever use it in conversation, polite or impolite. There was however a game show in the UK called Catchword (early nineties?) where you had to make the longest word you could from a given set of letters. This particular F-word came up all the time.
tasman Mar-08-2012
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I remember that show. The host was Paul something.
dave Mar-08-2012
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I can't even pronounce this word. so difficult
user111948 Mar-17-2012
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My suggestion would be not to use it. ;-)
docmartn Apr-07-2012
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I agree with dave. That's the only way to use it without drawing raised eyebrows. :-P
amjad Apr-22-2012
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I used it to mean writing some thing
apparently profound using unintelligible jargons but ultiimately useless.
rajkumar May-02-2018
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