Right Question For this Answer (about count/rank/order)
I would like to know the Question to ask for which we get a reply like...
“Manmohan Singh is the Fouteenth Prime Minister of India.”
I want the rank which Manmohan has.....
(Not a question like “Who is the Fourteenth Prime minister of India?”) I need Fourteen as the anser when inquired about Manmohan Singh.
I appreciate your help...
What is the chronological order of Manmohan Singh as prime minister of India
shihas Dec-13-2021
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what is the chronological order of manmohan singh as prime minister of india
shihas Dec-13-2021
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What's the ordinal rank of Manmohan Singh among the Prime Ministers of India?
user107708 Feb-25-2019
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john3 Sep-30-2017
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"What is the position of Manmohan singh in the chronological order of Indian Prime ministers ?"
i know that your question was published in 2004..it is too late but it will be helpful for others....who are having similiar problems
Jithin J Jul-11-2017
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Howmanyeth president was Manmohan Singh
Neethu Augustin Apr-11-2017
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As I answered to my friend, I found below answer is perfect for that,
"what is the position of Jawaharlal Nehru among Indian prime ministers??"
You can use this if you want.
Hope it will help you
Helping Hand Feb-21-2017
4 votes Permalink Report Abuse
In which prime ministrial election manmohan singh is elected aas president
Samvasan Nov-16-2016
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What is the "chronological position" of man Mohan Singh as a prime minister
prem Oct-15-2016
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
Question: What is the chronological order of Manmohan Singh as Prime minister of India ?
Answer: 14th
shameer Aug-11-2016
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What is the chronological order of Manmohan Singh among prime minsters of India?
Vichu Dec-20-2014
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What ordinal-number prime minister is Manmohan Singh?"
Dalwin Daniel Jun-08-2014
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Sidhiq Ali. Apr-30-2014
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PIOUS MANOJ Jan-25-2014
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I would like to know the Question to ask for which we get a reply like...
“Manmohan Singh is the Fouteenth Prime Minister of India.”
bency Oct-22-2013
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What is the order of succession Mr Manmohansigh as Prime Minister of India? or In what order does Mr Manmohansingh succeeds as PM of India?
T Thangaraj Jul-08-2013
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"What is the ordinal status of Dr.Manmohan Sing among the Prime Minister of India"
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
What is the cronological number of Dr. Manmoham Singh being the Prime Minister of India
Akhil Mar-06-2013
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what is the chronological order of manmohan singh among the PMs of india
vishnu Nov-18-2012
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
chronologicaly which prime minister is Manmohan singh
Danish Oct-23-2012
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'What is the ordinal number/chronological order of Dr Manmohan Singh as the prime minister/among the prime ministers of India?
Asher1 Sep-03-2012
5 votes Permalink Report Abuse
where did we get the right answer?
gigglu Jul-22-2012
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which prime minister is Manmohan Singh according to his ordinal status?
haaarish d Jul-11-2012
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
What is the ordinal rank of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh?
j_j24 Jul-08-2012
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
i think this is the correct question
What place in succession as a prime minister of india does Manmohan Singh have
Rauaf Jun-11-2012
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In the Indian Political History In which numerical order does our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Comes ?
vasanth May-16-2012
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
I think the simplest one is " Which of the Indian Prime Ministers was Manmohan Singh?"
ralphido Apr-28-2012
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
What is the ordinal status of Barack Obama as the president of us?
Praveen Feb-01-2012
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Thank you Mr Ramalingamchellia for asking such a question
I olso want to know the same mater. I got the solusionfrom your blog what I am searching for a long time and also thanks to the site
Deepu Mathew Jan-22-2012
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What is the ordinal position of Manmohan Sing among the prime Ministers of India?
Rupesh Mohan Nov-19-2011
4 votes Permalink Report Abuse
As a prime minister of India ,Manmohan Singh holds which rank ?
omkar Nov-19-2011
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
The correct question would be:
What is the ordinal position of Manmohan Singh as the Prime Minister of India?
Thomsson Nov-04-2011
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You can get the response you want by asking this question:
What does the following say: 'Manmohan Singh is the Fouteenth Prime Minister of India'?
BrockawayBaby Aug-28-2011
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Hi frnd .. the correct question for this would be....
What is Manmohan singh's ordinal as the Prime minister of the India?
Lulu Aug-24-2011
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
I Think
What is the ordinal position of Manmohan sing among the prime ministers of india ? is the correct usage.
RUPESH May-22-2011
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I think,
What is the ordinal position(or number) of Manmohan Sing among the prime ministers of India?
Muhammed Basheer P Apr-13-2011
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ANANTH. A Mar-09-2011
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Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India. What number is Manmohan Singh?
tasman Nov-09-2010
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I would go for this one:
What number of prime ministerial position does Mr. Manmohan Sing have?
What do u suggest guys?
riznasp Nov-09-2010
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
The "numerological" position has nothing to do with the order. Numerology is the superstitious occult study of numbers (usually one's birthday) as they affect the outcome of our lives. It's the "astrology" of numbers. I don't think "neumorological" or neumorology is even a word.
porsche Jun-05-2010
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what is the neumorological position of Prime Minister Manmohansing?
mplinto Jun-05-2010
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
what is the numerological position of Manmohan sing among prime ministers of india
arun.k.aravindh Jun-05-2010
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Chronologically,which Indian prime minister is Manmohan Sing?
123muthoos Jun-03-2010
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
The correct way to ask is
What is the ordinal position of Manmohan singh among the Prime Ministers of India?
Never say ordinal status as commonly used, because the word status has more deep meaning.
Thank you
sunilkumarmanorama Dec-11-2009
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Which Prime Minister of India is Manmohan Singh?
What number Prime Minister of India is Manmohan Singh?
I think, these would be sufficient for the expected ordinal numbers.
udayaprakash123 Nov-12-2009
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what is the ordinal status of manmohan singh among the prime ministers of india
ajudotcom Jul-16-2009
7 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Oops, sorry. That's "Ordinally, which prime minister of India is Manmohan Singh?", "of" not "if".
porsche Mar-21-2009
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While some comments are on the right track, I would suggest the somewhat simpler: "Ordinally, which prime minister if India is Manmohan Singh?" As mentioned above, cardinal is incorrect as it does not imply any information about order. Cardinal numbers are one, two, three; ordinal numbers are first, second, third.... Regarding the list of presidents in the US, cardinality simply refers to the total number of presidents, forty-four (possibly forty-three, as Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms?).
I wanted to suggest something about order of succession or sequence, but unfortunately, that would be incorrect as it already refers to the order in which other officers fill in if the president or prime minister leaves office. E.g., in the US, the Vice President, then Speaker of the House, etc., are next in the order of succession if the President can no longer serve.
porsche Mar-21-2009
5 votes Permalink Report Abuse
the correct usage is
what is the ordinal status of manmohan sing as prime minister of india
jaideep.menon Mar-20-2009
11 votes Permalink Report Abuse
i would like to know right usage in given bellow
1. wat is the prime ministerial cardinality of manmohan singh
2. what is the prime ministerial ordinality of manmohan singh
shajesh84 Mar-13-2009
0 vote Permalink Report Abuse
I Thank You All.
But I couldn't get a result for "ordinality" when I search in
We may use ordinal position instead...
I really appreciate your help. Thanks !
Ramalingam_Chelliah Mar-06-2005
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I am sorry, I correct my last Post
The word is not Cardinality but ORDINALITY
What is the Prime Ministerial ordinality of ManMohan Singh
What is your ordinality of birth
Jyothish_N_Pillai Mar-06-2005
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Though it is very tempting to use words like whichth and howmanyeth I believe that the right usage is the word cardinality.
What is the Prime Ministerial cardinality of ManMohan Singh
What is your cardinality of birth
Though the use of the word Cardinality for this particular usage has not been documented in any Dictionary, i believe it has been used by other writers before overlooked during the making of Dictionary
Jyothish_N_Pillai Mar-06-2005
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Ha! I got it...
"What number is Manmohan Singh in the succession of Prime Ministers of India?"
This will return "fourteen," but, understanding the intent of the question, many people will probably answer "He's the fourteenth Pime Minister."
speedwell2 Feb-28-2005
4 votes Permalink Report Abuse
For what value of n is Manmohan Singh the nth Prime Minister of India?
Persephone_Imytholin Feb-26-2005
4 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Myself: "What place in succession does Manmohan Singh have?"
You: "I believe he is the fourteenth, my good fellow."
You: " I believe he has the fourteenth place in succession, my delightful companion"
Nigel1 Feb-26-2005
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
"Prime Mininsterial Cardianlity" seems to be perfect..
I like other replies too... "how manyth" , "whicheth"
Thank you one and all...
One of my colleagues asked me this question, I posted it here... ;-)
Thank You !
Ramalingam_Chelliah Jan-04-2005
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"What is the Prime Ministerial cardinality of ..." ;-)
spaztic Nov-18-2004
18 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Forgive me for being didactic about a word that does not even exist, but I believe that if it did exist it would actually be spelled "whichth."
"Whicheth" sounds like the kind of fake King James Bible speech that we used to get in trouble for when we did in church as children: "Blessedeth be-eth they-eth thatteth mourneth, for they-eth shalleth be-eth comforted. Eth."
speedwell2 Nov-09-2004
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
The problem is that English is not mathematically complete.... Please forgive me for duplication of info, but I didn't read all comments 'cause I'm lazy (except with apostrophes). What you are looking for is the word "Whicheth" which does not exist. "Whicheth prime minister of India is Manmohan Singh?" is the only question which is guaranteed to yeild the desired response, given that the recipient of your importune is aware of its intended meaning. (Correction apparently somebody has coined the term how-manyth, but I'm biased to whicheth, 'cause I've been using it for years) The problem with "Which prime minister..." is that I could always respond "The one with the grey hair," or some such nonsense, and still answer correctly.
ozecha Nov-08-2004
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Q. Complete this sentence: "Manmohan Singh is the Fouteenth Prime Minister of..."
PatriK Oct-30-2004
5 votes Permalink Report Abuse
do not understand
me1 Oct-29-2004
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
I second that raybid!
And thanks Ramalingam for posting the question. I've been asking around my work place for this and no one seems to know. To them it's something they never think [to ask].
Unggit Oct-29-2004
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
"How manyth..."
Love it, love it. It is utterly wrong and utterly right at the same time.
speedwell2 Oct-24-2004
5 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Thanks, raybid! You made my day. :D :D
Perenna1 Oct-24-2004
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Manmohan Singh is the " how manyth" prime minister of India?
raybid Oct-19-2004
15 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Hmm, it may be a grammatical mistake to troll grammatical questions with political views. :p
IngisKahn1 Oct-04-2004
4 votes Permalink Report Abuse
And the correct answer to that question would be: "a moron."
Jun-Dai Oct-02-2004
10 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Alternate take on this:
I was talking to some of my co-workers about this question today (using US Presidents as the example), and someone suggested:
"George Washington was the first President of the United States, and John Adams was the second; what is the current President?"
speedwell2 Oct-01-2004
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Hi Jun-Dai,
Thank you !
I presume the last one to be the most appropriate...
Ramalingam_Chelliah Sep-30-2004
7 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Jun-Dai is admirably correct. The usage I personally find clearest is, "Which prime minister...."
speedwell2 Sep-30-2004
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse
You can ask a question that will give you about the same information: "How many prime ministers of India have there been before Manmohan Singh?" (13)
Or: "How many prime ministers of India have there been?" (14)
If it is multiple choice, then you can ask:
"Which prime minister is Manmohan Singh?
(a) The thirteenth.
(b) The fourteenth.
(c) The fifteenth."
One Web page (no longer up) suggests some questions that are awkward but do the job:
"Which number (of) prime minister of India is Manmohan Singh?"
"With regard to the succession of prime ministers of India, what is the ordinal position of Manmohan Singh?"
Jun-Dai Sep-30-2004
14 votes Permalink Report Abuse