Not in answer to your question, but as a matter of interest, in Britain we usually do it the second way Max_Eliott mentioned - single quotation marks on the outside, double quotation marks for nested quotations. But I've never seen triple quotes. We also use different punctuation, so called "logical punctuation", but that's a different story, although its use seems to be increasing in the US:
How about this dilemma: A quote within a quote within a quote:
Is A, B or C correct?
A. The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states [...if you want to right a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets] so I awarded her a squirrel nugget.'"
B. The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states '...if you want to write a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets' so I awarded her a candy.'"
The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states "...if you want to right a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets" so I awarded her a squirrel nugget.'"
The quotation has a quotation within it that ends at the end of the original quote. I put the original quote in double quotation marks and the within quote in single quotation marks, however, what do I do when I get to the end and it is the end of both the within quote and the main quote?
I am no expert on quotes (very rusty) and when I searched on using a quote within a quote within a quote and found this page, I read through it and found my answer. I also noticed the comment asking if A, B or C is correct. I noticed the word "it's" and believe the word should be "its." What do you think?
In the United States, you keep switching off between single and double quotes. So it would look like this:
"Sally remarked, 'Ginny, if you say "hell" again, I'll wash your mouth with soap.' "
Here, the word "hell" is in double quotes.
Other countries (like Germany, I believe) have a different approach, which is to move from single to double to triple quotes, like so:
'Sally remarked, "Ginny, if you say '''hell''' again, I'll wash your mouth with soap." '
Max_Elliott May-24-2013
30 votes Permalink Report Abuse
This page on "MLA Formatting Quotations" at the Purdue Online Writing School should answer all your questions:
Not in answer to your question, but as a matter of interest, in Britain we usually do it the second way Max_Eliott mentioned - single quotation marks on the outside, double quotation marks for nested quotations. But I've never seen triple quotes. We also use different punctuation, so called "logical punctuation", but that's a different story, although its use seems to be increasing in the US:
Warsaw Will May-25-2013
5 votes Permalink Report Abuse
Triple quotes are trippy
Clay Ainslie Aug-07-2015
7 votes Permalink Report Abuse
'He said "She was like "'He sounded like ""MRAWWWHHH.""'""'
OW MY BRAIN Aug-12-2015
15 votes Permalink Report Abuse
How about this dilemma: A quote within a quote within a quote:
Is A, B or C correct?
The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states [...if you want to right a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets] so I awarded her a squirrel nugget.'"
The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states '...if you want to write a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets' so I awarded her a candy.'"
The Administration reported in it's daily blogpost, "In awarding his student, Mr Moore said, 'Class, I was impressed when Kari told me that her father's dictionary states "...if you want to right a quote within a quote within a quote, you use brackets" so I awarded her a squirrel nugget.'"
Mark Colligan Nov-16-2016
21 votes Permalink Report Abuse
The quotation has a quotation within it that ends at the end of the original quote. I put the original quote in double quotation marks and the within quote in single quotation marks, however, what do I do when I get to the end and it is the end of both the within quote and the main quote?
Barbara J. Mar-25-2018
1 vote Permalink Report Abuse
The trick at the end is to leave a space after the single quotation mark, separating it from the double.
jayles Mar-27-2018
2 votes Permalink Report Abuse
I am no expert on quotes (very rusty) and when I searched on using a quote within a quote within a quote and found this page, I read through it and found my answer. I also noticed the comment asking if A, B or C is correct. I noticed the word "it's" and believe the word should be "its." What do you think?
user108989 Jul-04-2020
3 votes Permalink Report Abuse