I dove my hat
What is the meaning of “I dove my hat”?
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"I dove my hat" is not English. It's 'doffed'.
I believe that 'don' is a contraction of 'do on' and 'doff' is a contraction of 'do off'.
Skeeter Lewis Oct-26-2012
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I hang-glid off the mountain, dove into the lake, and dove my hat to the sweet old lady.
Chris B Nov-13-2011
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I would assume that "dove" is past-tense for "doff". "Yesterday, I dove my hat to a sweet old lady".
Pronounced with a long "o", not like the bird.
Tom in TX Nov-13-2011
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'swaindom is all about bootlicking, kneebending and doffenness to the big man'
Stanmund Apr-14-2011
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ddiiiiii Apr-12-2011
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Like Sue says, it's "I doff my hat" or a more common variant "I tip my hat" It means to give your respect or admiration. For example, I tip/doff my hat to those who donate to charity.
Ivy1 Apr-10-2011
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or maybe it's a typo, and the expression is "I love you hat"
Sylvia Apr-09-2011
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Are you sure it's dove, not doffed. To doff your hat is when (usually) a man takes off his hat briefly as a sign of respect, for example to a woman. It's still done a lot here in Poland, where some men also doff their hats when they pass a church. According to my dictionary, the past is doffed, but maybe this is a regional variant.
Warsaw Will Apr-08-2011
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