Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

Your Pain Is Our Pleasure

24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More

Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

Your Pain Is Our Pleasure

24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More



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October 4, 2010

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  • May 25, 2011, 10:55pm

@jayles: anglish is hypothetical, it is what-ifly, it often makes wordmeaning clearer than foreing words, but other times wordmeaning cannot as easily be drawn off from the word. Yet what these words: put-forth, lawling, deedway, and so on, all have over foreign words is that they have an inner framework that draws an image to the english speaker's mind. that is not to say that upon first seeing these words, they will be understood, but the same goes, even more so for foreing words. However these anglish words are very powerful in their ability to draw forth image in the mind, they have almost a metaphorical richness that goes far beyond the raw symbolism of foreing wordstock. Unoffhanging and dependent both draw forth the thought of something needing something else. But only unoffhanging draws forth the mindimage of something hanging off of somrthing else, thereby showing dependecy or offhangingness.
Of course jayles, we are not saying that all anglish words would be readily understood, though some indeed would be. What we are saying is that anglish words are richer, truer, and not the cold, raw, frameworkless things that foreign words are. whether this upside of anglish warrants these words being taken up into nowtime english is yours to settle on. I myself will work to see them do so.


  • May 25, 2011, 6:16pm

@ addyatg
easy really, there's your oversetting into anglish, almost no loanwords

The now-time Whig witship and lawlays and the loosenouts to those lawlays are all about bringaboutliness. Whigs go-to each issue on its own and using our Whig witship we can tackle each issue in a deedsound way.
Our mindfasten is not on thoughtlore, its on what is most bringaboutsome. We have our lawlays which we hold strong to. Where we are deedsound is in the loosenouts to those lawlays. We mindfasten on what we like, or what you like but what works best and the most bringaboutly loosenouts. Whigs believe that this is what folkly thaneing is all about.
Deedsound, evenweighty and unthoughtlorely go-to to folkly lawling puts the American folks first.
Loosenouts-minded, waylorely yet bendsome in go-to towards ‘centrist’ lawling putforths.
Greater landflok partaking in the shaping of folkly lawling. Highly intold citizens is the new normal.
Mindfasten on core issues that bestir all Americans as a whole, not only one group or a few sundersome careabout thoughtlings.
Freedom of political thought and deeding, not stuck on thoughtlore.
Yorelorely political truths are insteadened by new truths and realities as landfolks take part without beforely bias using only now-time Whig and groundfast Landlawsome guidelines.
Therefore the Whigs are not a eldways political party, nor do we have an eldways party upheldness. We believe that eldways loosenouts will bide on as unbringaboutsome.
Whigs live out unoffhanging thought, stress landfolk partaking, want the lessening of lobby careabouts, a lookin of electoral deedways, all to ensure a healthy Republic .
The Whig witship is a witship that stresses deedway, and seeks to sharpen or build again the deedwaylores of our aspellings.
Please look through the following offcuts to find out more about the Whig witship and Whig lawlays.