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May 17, 2022
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The company 'are'
- June 30, 2022, 12:50pm
Dyske, I don't disagree with you. I would probably use 'it' though, since 'it' was used already (Google said 'it')
Pronunciation: aunt
- May 17, 2022, 1:38pm
I live in Michigan. Most say 'ant' here, but most black people I know say 'awnt.' My friend from Maine also says 'awnt.'
The company 'are' | May 17, 2022 |
The company 'are'
I'm having trouble with 'woke' English. I don't think it is precise enough. For example: I saw a computer generated message the other day on Instagram. It said something like: "Lois sent their pictures to the Wall Street Journal." Whose pictures? In reality she sent 'her' pictures, not "their" pictures. The only way I knew it was "her" was because I was familiar with the situation.