Pain in the English
Pain in the English

Unpacking English, Bit by Bit

A community for questioning, nitpicking, and debating the quirks and rules of the English language.

Pain in the English
Pain in the English

Unpacking English, Bit by Bit

A community for questioning, nitpicking, and debating the quirks and rules of the English language.

Shame on You!

This is not exactly a language thing but when you say “Shame on you!”, you brush your index finger against the other. What does that mean? Where did it come from? What does that symbolize?

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The only story behind this one that I have ever heard is that it is supposed to imitate the shaving down of a switch, the implication being that the switch would then be used to impose corporal punishment on the offending party. I do not know if this is accurate or not.

Bob3 Dec-06-2003

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Ooh, interesting idea. I've never seen anyone do it in real life, and in fact I think I've only ever seen it in Mad Magazine cartoons.

anonymous4 Dec-12-2003

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Body language and gestures are definitely part of language. However, not everyone you ask will recognise them as such. To test the theory, put your hands in your pockets tomorrow and try to talk sensibly all day without taking them out.
Try a reputable dictionary of body language.

M_Stevenson Apr-11-2004

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That must be a family idiom, or a regionalism. Here in my family in California, the "shamer" makes a fist, extends and points the index finger at the shamee, and shakes the finger up and down near the shamee's nose.

(I have seen the "shaving" gesture done in fun elsewhere).

Liz1 May-01-2004

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I have used this many times over the years, index finger brushing against other index finger...I never knew where this expression came from;just wanted to know, just curious

Barbara1 Jan-08-2006

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I have seen both gestures, but, Liz, I would ask the same question. What does the "shaking the single index finger" gesture mean then? Is that supposed to be using the switch that was fashioned with the other gesture?:)

porsche Jan-09-2006

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"Whittling" the index finger and "wagging it" upright at someone are likely related gestures. The punishment in medieval England for petty thief (and by association, light crimes) was to have a finger lopped off. According to my favorite origin stories, pointing your finger at someone is to assign blame to them, and then you either making a chopping motion (England), sawing motion (Wales) or "lopping off toward them" motion with the other index finger, warning them, "You could lose a finger like that." --- The related gesture of wagging a raised index finger once you have their attention is a similar reminder they don't want to lose a finger. The first gesture is accompanied sometimes by the words, "shame on you"; the second, "no no no."

Joe Bradfield Sep-09-2016

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Shaking an index finger at someone
Scraping one index finger on the other.
I would like to know the origin also.

user108480 Dec-10-2019

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I always thought the gesture resembled "whittling," and in a lesson about Alaskan totem poles, I came across the "shame pole" or "shaming pole." These poles were carved out of huge logs to publicly embarrass individuals deemed to have committed behavior they of which they should be ashamed. One of the most famous examples is the Seward Shame Pole located in Saxman, AK, near Ketchikan. I don't know if the gesture is actually connected to the carving of poles, but my students felt it was a reasonable association.

RTeacher Jan-08-2020

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In the good old days thieves and other 'ner do wells had their fingers chopped off.
The motion of the fingers was to advise someone of their shameful act and its possible consequences.

user109305 Nov-12-2020

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