Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

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Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

Your Pain Is Our Pleasure

24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More

What is the word for intentionally incorrect spelling?

You know when people or businesses use improper spelling for effect?

eg. “Rogz for Dogz” or “Phantasy Star”

What is that called? I simply can’t find the answer anywhere.

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My neighbor has a catering business. When people have parties at their homes, my neighbor cooks for them. she is a fabulous cook.

Many customers contact her before they have a party. She asks them alot of questions about the upcoming events. She finds out how

many people will be there. Then her and the customer decide on a menu. My neighbor hires servers to serve the food and to weight on the

people. She usually cooks the meals in her own home, but sometimes people ax her to preparing the food at their houses. She enjoys

working in her catering business, and she is good at all the parts of the job.

user109221 Oct-07-2020

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I’ve been using “enallage” in teaching visual rhetoric for graphic designers. I understand this as meaning the intentional error.

jayar Dec-16-2021

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Old post, I know, but I just came across here somehow and wanted to share an old 1962 paper I came across recently about the origin of "O.K."

There was a Boston fad of, what Allen Read calls, "humourous misspellings" and abbreviations. O.K was likely formed from a humourous misspelling of "Oll Korrect"

"The author who popularized misspelling as a humorous device in America was George W. Arnold (I783-I838), who wrote letters under the pen name "Joe Strickland" from 1825 to 1830. The following passage is characteristic:

Konstanty Nople, Jennywerry, 1828

Deer & lovin unkle Ben,

I spoze you thort kaze I was so darn fur of that I wasnt goen tu rite yu agin. but iph you think I kan evver forgit yew, ur Ant Nabby yew are tarnally mistaken, kaze I should remember yew iph I waz tother side ov awl1e kreashun. not by a darn site-un iph I evver git Bak agin i'll be hang'd if yew evver ketch me in this kutthrote kuntry agin. taint half so good as oald Varmount-I kum plaigy neer starvin tu deth afore I got here, we hadn't northen under hevven tu ete haff the time only Dry Kod fish un taters-finally and tarnally arter an evverlastin long pasage we got heer. i'de bin see sik awl the time, un had pritty neer spewd my gizard up, til by the lord harry I wa'rnt much bigger round than Dekon Bigalows pichfork handel-when I got hear tha axt me if I was evver in Turky before, no ses I. but i've had a darn menny turkys in me-i'de aleys heerd a plaigy deel about, Turky in Urop, in the gogfry when I went tu skool tu Ikabud Krane, whare I larnt tu Spell-un by the jumpin jingo my mouth wartered az soon as I landed.""

The entire paper is definitely a fun read and I highly recommend checking it out!

Read, Allen W. (19 July 1941). "The Evidence on O.K.". Saturday Review of Literature.

razi Jan-20-2023

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Lack of education or stupidity. Either can be an answer to what you seek for.

ejokuri Aug-31-2023

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Lack of education or brain damage. Either or both can be the answer to your question.

ejokuri Aug-31-2023

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Sadly It looks like after many years, there is no clear answer to this question. I was trying to find how to correctly describe Google‘s new product “Imagen”, which is an intentional misspelling of the word imagine, And pronounced “Imagine”. I asked ChatGPT and not sure where it came up with it, But when used in conjunction as the name of a product it suggested “Brandonym”, even though it made it clear that that’s not a real word and that there is no dictionary term for it.

Tolga Sep-04-2024

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