... is what I'm saying!
I’ve developed a “tic” for adding - I believe the expression is “postpositively” “is what I’m saying” at the end of a sentence. In usage, it is an intensifier. So I might say “I’ve been noticing that I use this expression a lot, is what I’m saying!” Typically after some prior exposition on the topic - this becomes the concluding thought.
Two questions - has anyone else heard anyone else say this? Where does it come from? Where did I pick it up? I’m in the Northeastern US. Is the expression or any variant from this region?
It’s awfully similar to “I’m just saying” but my understanding of “I’m just saying” is that it’s somewhat negative - connoting an undercurrent of a wink and a nod. “...is what I’m saying” doesn’t have that connotation, is what I’m saying. LOL!
It's a tautology, ergo, it's redundant, superfluous, needlessly verbose. What you're saying is, well, what you're saying, i.e., it goes without saying that what you're saying is what you're saying. I recommend you break this bad habit. I'm just saying...
Ramart Jul-15-2021
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"I'm just saying" is a hedge, but you're right: it usually comes with a helping of sarcasm that marks it as understatement. "—is what I'm saying" can also be a hedge to keep the preceding statement from crashing down with emphasis. It can also be a manipulative tactic for time, because it prevents the hearer from responding immediately to the main point.
user111489 Jun-26-2022
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