anyone & any one
Recently, I came across a problem. Should we say “anyone of us” or “any one of us”? My teacher says we can only say “any one of us”, but I remember a Gareth Gate’s song named “anyone of us”? Which one is right? Thank you very much.
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Your Pain Is Our Pleasure
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Recently, I came across a problem. Should we say “anyone of us” or “any one of us”? My teacher says we can only say “any one of us”, but I remember a Gareth Gate’s song named “anyone of us”? Which one is right? Thank you very much.
singers have poetic license
lipesb Jul-05-2018
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Any one of us. Singers can name their songs whatever they want.
Liz1 Jun-03-2005
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Check the usage note:
IngisKahn1 Apr-26-2005
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"Any one of us" is proper.
Eric_from_Australia Apr-26-2005
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Your teacher is perfectly right.
Persephone_Imytholin Apr-22-2005
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