How old am I?
Am I 38 years old, or 38 year old, and why.
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How are me old
user107142 Aug-22-2018
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Typcially, the hyphenation would be "38-year old man."
* 38-year modifies old
* old - which we already know is 38 - modifies man.
If you want to get dates online, though, it would be better to type "I am an 18-year old lesbian with hot, barely legal friends."
anonymous4 Nov-25-2003
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Biks is right about the hyphenation. The rule there is that "38-year-old" is a compound adjective -- a group of words functioning as a single adjective -- and therefore hyphenated. Other examples: a coke-bottle-shaped vase; a full-throttle spread-eagle spare-no-expense business presentation.
tnh Mar-17-2003
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You would usually put hyphens in 'a 38-year-old man'. It's easier to differentiate that way. I think the AP style uses this.
biks Nov-21-2002
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My take on it is:
You are a 38 year old man.
You are 38 years old.
When "year old" is a modifier to "man", it's singular.
Dyske Nov-14-2002
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