Merchandises as a word
I was wondering if it is alright to use merchandises as a word. I am reading a report where the author uses it frequently, e.g. delivery of merchandises. I think it should be delivery of merchandise rather than merchandises.
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I was wondering if it is alright to use merchandises as a word. I am reading a report where the author uses it frequently, e.g. delivery of merchandises. I think it should be delivery of merchandise rather than merchandises.
The very idea of using "merchandises" makes my skin crawl.
Jessica2 Jul-03-2007
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This probably is not what you are seeing, but do realize that "merchandises" can very much be a word. "Merchandise" is also a verb meaning "to buy and sell goods". It's perfectly ok to say something like, oh, "Joan used to merchandise in the consumer retail industry but now she merchandises in wholesale electronics". Also, let's not forget the noun, "merchandising".
porsche Jul-05-2007
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MERCHANDISE is the correct word.
Dave_Rattigan Jul-03-2007
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Merchandise is an uncountable noun, like water. You can't say that you have five merchandises, or fifteen waters. You can say you have five STOREROOMS of merchandise, or fifteen BOTTLES of water.
Andrea2 Jul-04-2007
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"Merchandise" is normally used like a mass-noun, so you can't pluralize it.
AO Jul-03-2007
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Merchandise as a noun is correct usage and Merchandises is used as verb. In your case "Merchandises" is incorrect.
prithi_chand1 Jul-06-2007
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merchandises is a correct English Word.
-13 Apr-09-2012
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