I can't believe this whole discussion. I spent 12 years in school learning where to put the bloody commas, 4 years in college, 3 years getting a Master's Degree, and umpteen years teaching grammar to high schoolers after that.The commas went in the same place the whole stinkin time!!! There was never any question about it, and if I ommitted one or added one too many, my professors painted in blood on my English Lit. papers!!! (extra punctuation entirely my choice!!!) I now find myself raising a grandchild and googling "Commas in a Series" to find out why his second grade teacher bled on his language paper!!! What's happening to this world?
Where are the commas?
I can't believe this whole discussion. I spent 12 years in school learning where to put the bloody commas, 4 years in college, 3 years getting a Master's Degree, and umpteen years teaching grammar to high schoolers after that.The commas went in the same place the whole stinkin time!!! There was never any question about it, and if I ommitted one or added one too many, my professors painted in blood on my English Lit. papers!!! (extra punctuation entirely my choice!!!) I now find myself raising a grandchild and googling "Commas in a Series" to find out why his second grade teacher bled on his language paper!!! What's happening to this world?