First Husband or First Gentleman?
If Hillary Clinton is elected as the president of the US, what should Bill Clinton be called? I’ve seen both “first husband” and “first gentleman.” Wikipedia seems to think that it should be the latter.
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If Hillary Clinton is elected as the president of the US, what should Bill Clinton be called? I’ve seen both “first husband” and “first gentleman.” Wikipedia seems to think that it should be the latter.
Well, being tha Bill Clinton is NOT a gentleman, he should be merely 'first husband.'
Lisa_WV Oct-08-2008
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Bill Clinton will be as 1stfirstgentleman on december 2008 USA [44th firstLady]
anonymous4 Feb-22-2008
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Good morning from Russia! And what about Clinton the first Lady's gentleman? Who knows how many the Clintons next generations of future are going to see?
From Tver Region with smile
Khvalovsky Nov-04-2007
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First Lecher, surely.
Doug_Brown Oct-24-2007
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Oh, now--I seriously doubt he was the FIRST philanderer in the White House!
amazed Oct-23-2007
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First philanderer?
RL Oct-11-2007
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Since he got to be President before her shouldn't it be Gentleman First?
James4 Oct-10-2007
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And if he became ordained, he could go by Reverend Clinton, and if he were knighted, he could go by Sir William Clinton, and after all that, he could still be referred to as President Clinton. One doesn't take away from the others. As Amazed said, it's purely a matter of context.
anonymous4 Oct-04-2007
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The husband of the governor of Michigan is kown as the First Gentleman.
And yes, while he will still be known as President Clinton in certain circumstances, when named IN HIS ROLE AS Presidential spouse, he will be known as First Gentleman.
yes again--it's a lame designation... but so is First Lady.
amazed Oct-04-2007
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Not to ruin a fun thought here, because I like the first Laddy thing, but aren't former American Presidents always known as 'President' so it will be President Clinton and President Clinton? kinda confusing... Will she use the Rodham(sp?) -Clinton tag to differentiate if she gets in?
justine Oct-04-2007
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I seem to remember reading that he wanted to be called the "First Laddy." Kind of clever, I thought.
kschaller Oct-03-2007
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